Sunday, June 11, 2006

why do you work so hard for something you don't even want?

i have three and a half weeks of my 30s.
i have spent the whole year contemplating turning the corner to greet 40.
it feels monumental.
it will be a day like any other.
i like rites of passage, i respect religious traditions that offer meaning to our lives.
when we look back on our lives, do we measure our accomplishments?
what matters then, does it matter now?
i am marching towards 40.
i remember the serious excitement for summer-time when i was in grade school.
the thought of the long weeks ahead with no school. nothing but empty time. i would cross off the days til the last day of school. it was the great count down.
that is the same exact time as now.
but it is so different. how is time the same and different?


Karima said...

As I left for work this morning, the kids down the street were playing in their sprinkler in their yard. They woke up early because they wanted to. That pretty much summed up for me how summer is different for me now vs. as a non-grownup

Kurt said...

40! What I wouldn't give to be 40 again!

weirdbunny said...

I'm 33 now, and when I was 29 I really looked forward to being 30. I thought I'll be a proper grown up then, not afraid to say what she thinks, and people will have to listen to me as a 30 year old woman!!
Did all this turn out true no!!